origami is a Ruby framework designed to parse, analyze, and forge PDF documents. This is NOT a PDF rendering library. It aims at providing a scripting tool to generate and analyze malicious PDF files. As well, it can be used to create on-the-fly customized PDFs, or to inject (evil) code into already existing documents.
Origami – Parse, Analyze Forge PDF Documents
Download File: https://urlcod.com/2vAnoy
Origami Frameworkorigami is a Ruby framework designed to parse,analyze, and forge PDF documents.It aims at providing a scriptingtool to generate and analyze malicious PDF files. As well, it canbe used to create on-the-fly customized PDFs, or to inject (evil)code into already existing documents.Origami-extractjs providesfunctionality similar to Pdfextract.Origami-walker is very handytool to detect javascript/shell-code/urls strings embedded inpdf.Origami-pdfscan scans the pdf based upon its pre-definedpolicies.
pdfobjflowPDFtk Free is friendly graphical tool forquicklymerging and splitting PDF documents and pages.It has bothGUI and the command-line interface.We can do followingfunctionalities like Add/remove pdfs, we can rotate all/few pages,join, extract, stamping, encryption etc.PDFTK can be used incombining suspected pdfs into single pdf to analyze all of themwith ease. 2ff7e9595c