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Zaccaria Pinball - Nautilus Table: Play the Scuba Diving Themed Game on PC


ALL TABLES ARE PLAYABLE WITHOUT ANY LIMITATIONS BY FREE PLAY MODE!Zaccaria was founded by three brothers (Marino, Franco, & Natale) and was the 3rd largest manufacturer of pinball machines in the world (behind Bally & Williams). They had created and produced more than 35 different pinball machines between 1974 and 1987.Zaccaria Pinball is a commemoration of this great pinball manufacturer. We will bring you almost all the pinball tables of Zaccaria one after the other.FEATURES- High detailed Zaccaria pinball tables (see list below)- Very accurate and customizable physics and ball movements- Various fixed and customizable camera views- Original table rules, sound effects and vocals- Breathtaking light and shadow effects- iOS 8 support with iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plusPINBALL TABLESRelease v1.0 - Time Machine, Devil Riders, LocomotionRelease v1.1 - Pinball Champ '82Release v1.2 - FarfallaRelease v1.3 - Hot WheelsRelease v1.4 - RobotRelease v1.5 - Soccer KingsRelease v1.6 - BlackbeltRelease v1.7 - Shooting the RapidsRelease v1.8 - Star GodRelease v1.9 - Magic CastleRelease v2.0 - Earth Wind Fire, ClownRelease v2.1 - Future WorldRelease v2.2 - Fire Mountain, Space Shuttle, Winter SportsRelease v2.3 - ZankorRelease v2.4 - Pool ChampionRelease v2.5 - Mexico '86Release v2.6 - House of DiamondsRelease v2.7 - Mystic StarRelease v2.8 - SpookyRelease v2.9 - Star's PhoenixRelease v3.0 - Strike (SS)Release v3.1 - Aerobatics (EM)Release v3.2 - Circus (EM)Release v3.3 - Combat (EM)SPECIAL TABLES FOR GOLD/SILVER MEMBERS:Release v3.4.2 - Moon Fligth (EM)Release v3.5.1 - Lucky Fruit (EM)Release v3.6.2 - Universe (EM)Release v3.7 - Supersonic (EM)Release v3.8.1 - Cine Star (EM)Release v3.8.1 - Wood's Queen (EM)Release v3.8.1 - Nautilus (EM)Release v3.9 - Red Show (EM)IN-APPSTABLE PACK #1 - includes Devil Riders, Locomotion, Pinball Champ '82, Farfalla, Hot Wheels, Robot, Soccer Kings, Blackbelt tables for a discount priceBRONZE MEMBERSHIP - offers all the in-apps on a discount priceSILVER MEMBERSHIP - offers all Zaccaria pinball tables which have been released so far and will be release in the future, there will be 35 pinball tables in allGOLD MEMBERSHIP - offers content of Bronze Membership and Silver Membership on a discount price (all in-apps and all Zaccaria pinball tables)BALL SIZE - includes option that can change size of the ball (small, normal, large)USED TABLE - includes dirty textures, as well as an option that makes playfield dirtier and dirtier by the ball rollingLIGHT/DARK ENVIRONMENT - includes a darker environment that brings more realistic look for pinball tables+ 2 BALLS - adds 2 balls, so you will have 5 balls to playBALL PACK - includes 4 balls with different behaviourFLIPPER PACK - includes 4 colored flippers (a.k.a. original replacement flippers)PREMIUM CAMERA EDITOR - adds 3 more customizable camera views and unlocks additional options to cam editorPHYSICS TWEAKS - allows you to modify some major value of physics engineGRAPHICS TWEAKS - allows you to change color and light settingsCONTROLSLAUNCH A BALL/START A GAME - tap the screenLEFT AND RIGHT FLIPPERS - tap left lower and right lower side of the screenPUSH THE TABLE - shake your device or swipe to left, right, up and downSUPPORTED DEVICESiPhone 3GS, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Mini, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5iPad and iPhone 4 are supported after Update v1.3!SUPPORTIf you found any bug or issue please send us an e-mail to or look for us on our Facebook page at !Thank you!

Zaccaria Pinball - Nautilus Table Download For Pcl



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